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2020 Grading Tour 1/3/2020 - 10/3/2020


For those who may not be so familiar with Matthias:  a short biography:


Matthias lives with his family in a small village one hundred kilometres north of Frankfurt, Germany. His family have been horse breeders for several generations, whilst Matthias himself has ridden from a young age, competing in dressage and showjumping up to M class.  Matthias rode Gondola 2 successfully whom his mother later put in foal to Kostolany to produce none other than the world super-sire Gribaldi, sire of Totilas.


Gribaldi himself was the 1995 champion of the stallion selections and the 1996 Champion at his stallion inspection in Neumunster.  In 1997 he was the winner of the four year old stallion competition in ‘s-Hertogenbosch and according to jury member Albert Voorn, “a horse that gives you a dream feeling as a rider”.  Gribaldi enjoyed an international Grand Prix dressage career with Edward Gal, and was one of the leading dressage sires in the world.  His sons Painted Black and Moorland’s Totilas were among the very best dressage horses.


Matthias has been classifying for many years, most recently under Lars Gehrman who is the Trakehner Verband Breeding Director and CEO.  He is well respected internationally and has worked with many of the senior classifiers for the Verband.  He is on the district mare committee for the Trakehner Verband Hessen District (that is the district Australia is linked to)  and is an official FN-Judge for Germany, judging Trakehners and other breeds.  His skills are in demand internationally and regularly travels to assess Trakehners in North America and the UK.  


Trakehners Australia are honoured to have his expertise and global view of Trakehner breeding available to breeders in Australia.  

UPDATE:  as at 19 January 2020

We have now set our main schedule for stud stops.  

BUT:  if you are still interested or just finding out about the tour,  it is not too late to contact us to see if you can be included.  We will try to schedule you in if possible.  Please with phone, email or message us, or just fill in the Stud Stop booking below and send it to us ASAP (don't send payment until we confirm that we can include you).  




  • From 1 March 2020 until 10/3/2020 (possibility of extension pending bookings).



  • Wherever there are Trakehners to grade in Australia

    • The locations will be at private stud stops or stud stops allowing outside entries​

    • Get your Stud Stop booking in by 14 January 2020 (we may be able to extend this) to secure a visit to your stud (or area for a group of venues)  and to allow us to properly plan our trip to your stud (see booking form below)



  • Matthias Werner, Trakehner Verband Kommissioner, joins us again in 2020 to grade our Trakehners and provide breeders with advice for the future.

  • You need to be a Trakehners Australia member (and Trakehner Verband member if you are having horses TV graded)


WHAT?  "The Tour"  is  for:

  • Grading horses into:

    • the Trakehner Verband Studbook 1 (eligible mares)

    • the Trakehner Verband Foal book (eligible foals)

    • Trakehners Australia Studbook A (eligible mares and stallions)

    • Trakehners Australia foal book (eligible foals)

      • If you have purebred Thoroughbred, Arab or Anglo Arab breeding stock you wish to breed use to breed recognised purebred Trakehners, this tour is your opportunity to have them pedigree approved and graded into the appropriate studbook. 

      • Geldings and partbred Trakehners (25%) can also be assessed on tour, although this is not compulsory for their registration with Trakehners Australia.   Assessment scores can be a useful marketing tool if you are considering sale of your horse, and as a guide if you are considering breeding your partbred mare or stallion.

  • Expert advice from Matthias Werner (Trakehner Verband grading commissioner, and member of the Mare Licensing Commission) about:

    • your breeding goals:  what are you aiming for and why?  This 1:1 discussion can assist you greatly in your future endeavours 

    • the quality, strengths and weaknesses of your horses/s​

    • for mares:  which stallions (IFS or locally available) would complement your mare for future breeding

    • for colts:  are they demonstrating "stallion quality" at present, or do they need to grow out more before deciding?

    • for fillies:  how they fit into your breeding herd and goals

  • Comparing your horses against international grading standards for the Trakehner breed:  Allowing you to better gauge your breeding goals and plans for the future (together with the expert advice from Matthias). 

  • Rewarding Breeding Excellence:  A rosette will be awarded to each foal or horse achieving a grading score over 75% (regarded as a premium score).  



  • 1.  BOOK YOUR STUD STOP BY 14 JANUARY 2020 (contact us after that date to see if we can fit you in):  (use the booking form below including an estimate of horse numbers)

    • We usually require 5-6 horses at one venue to make a stud stop viable.  You may wish collaborate with friends and colleagues to get a group together,  either to have all horses done at one site, or to have a grouping of sites near to each other that can be visited in the same day.  If you are “out on your own” without that many horses,  don’t despair,  please fill in the form anyway and talk to us about what arrangement can be made to accomodate you.  We aim to cater for all Trakehners in Australia.  

  • 2.  On receipt of your stud stop booking, we will send you the entry form/s to book in your horse/s for grading.  



  • Same fees as for 2019: ​

  • Stud Stop fee $150  BOOK NOW by 14 JANUARY 2020 TO SECURE A VISIT TO YOUR STUD/REGION (we may be able to fit you after that date,  contact us)

  • Trakehners Australia Gradings: (Booking forms will be published soon)

    • mare or foal (Static conformation assessment, movement in hand and free movement) $75 a head

    • stallion (Static conformation assessment, movement in hand, free movement, ridden and free jumping) $150 a head.  

  • Trakehner Verband Gradings:  â€‹

    • You still pay the Stud stop fee.  

    • The fee per horse/grading type is set by the Verband.  You need to be a TV member to have a horse graded.  The Verband invoice you directly.  â€‹

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