Registration of a Trakehner Purebred or Partbred/Derivative
Trakehners Australia Inc runs the Australian Trakehner Registry
Pureblood foals may be registered with Trakehners Australia Inc and based on approval of their pedigree and DNA parentage testing, are issued with a "Birth Certificate" that shows their pedigree and that they are in the Trakehner Foal Book.
Purebloods older than foals may be registered with Trakehners Australia Inc provided their pedigree and parentage can be appropriately verified beyond doubt. TA will accept registration papers for such horses from various other studbooks as evidence of pedigree. For including into the Trakehners Australia studbooks, these horses (mares, foals or geldings) must be graded bean authorised TA representative, and for that purpose, a Trakehner Verband approved grading commissioner comes "on tour" to Australia.
At 3 years of age or more, pureblood Trakehners may be presented for classification into the Trakehners Australia Studbooks, for mares or stallions. They must be graded by an authorised TA representative, and for that purpose, a Trakehner Verband approved grading commissioner comes "on tour" to Australia. You can book your horses in for assessment on the tour.
Foundation bloodstock from pedigree approved and proven Thoroughbred, Arabian, Anglo Arabian and Shagya Arabian mares and stallions with proven pedigrees may also be graded into the Mare and Stallion Studbooks of the Australian Trakehner Registry.
DNA parentage testing is required for all purebloods. For those horses whose sire &/or dam does not have a DNA test report, a DNA test is still required as a reference sample to refer to for future progeny.
Horses with a pedigree showing at least 25% Trakehner bloodlines may be entered into the Trakehner Partbred/Derivative Register. Partbred foals with a minimum 25% Trakehner bloodlines may be entered into the Trakehner Partbred/Derivative Foal Registry.
Use the form in the Registration Form tab to apply for entry into the Australian Trakehner Registry.
Registration of eligible horses with the Trakehner Verband
There is a separate application process for eligible purebred Trakehner mares, Thoroughbred mares, Anglo Arab mares or Arab mares to be graded and registered into the Trakehner Verband Studbook 1.
A Trakehner Verband Studbook 1 mare's eligible foals by Verband licensed Trakehner Stallions (these being available by imported frozen semen in Australia at present) may also be classified into the Verband Studbook 1 and issued with TV papers including an FEI recognised Equine Passport.
The Trakehner Verband commissioner on tour grades these mares and foals, grading them on their conformation and gaits.
The Trakehners Australia Registrar can provide you with more information about applying for Verband assessment and registration.